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Char­lie Cook   Brass & Wood­wind Instructor


Char­lie holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Edu­ca­tion from Berklee Col­lege of Music. While his main instru­ment is trom­bone, he is able to teach all major brass and wood­wind instru­ments in both clas­si­cal and jazz styles. He has 20 years of instru­men­tal teach­ing to his credit, and is cur­rently employed by the Paul Eff­man Music Ser­vice, offer­ing instru­men­tal music pro­grams to pri­vate Catholic schools in cities and towns through­out Cen­tral Mass­a­chu­setts. Mr. Cook has per­formed both nation­ally and inter­na­tion­ally with artist Ray Charles, and with the bands Earth, Wind & Fire and Meatloaf.



Con­tact Char­lie to set up your first les­son!


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